Author: compds1

Divorce and the Tax Man

April 15th is approaching and if you’re in the midst of or planning a divorce there are things you need to know before you start dividing up the marital estate. Sometimes, cash needs to be made available in order to arrive at equitable distribution of assets and when that happens, assets need to be sold. […]

Divorce with an Age Gap

A study done by The Atlantic discovered that the greater the age difference between married individuals, the higher the odds are that they will wind up divorced. Why is this true? Well, there can be various reasons — a power imbalance, fertility issues, children from previous marriages or simply, the individuals being at different life-stages. […]

Divorce and Social Security

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think that these two topics are related in any way. Let me briefly explain why they, in fact, are intimately related. Last week, the Social Security Act turned 88 years old! The original intention was to protect the average citizen from a poverty-ridden old age as well […]

Equitable Distribution and How it Works

There are so many misconceptions about divorce and finances. One of the biggest and the one that trips people up quite frequently is the idea of 50/50 when it comes to dividing assets that have been accumulated during a marriage. First and foremost, the thing to remember is that it has a lot to do […]

What is Financial Fraud

For many people, the financial aspect of their divorce is one of the most stressful. There are many questions that come up regarding what marital assets are available, what debts have been incurred, and how the two individuals are going to be able to afford to live separately. One member of the couple may feel […]

Recession and Divorce

Many people are asking me, “How will a recession affect my divorce? Should I wait?”. While this is an extremely personal decision and has more to do with your individual circumstances than world events, we can certainly look to the past to give us some guidance. Statistics: During the last recessionary period of 2009-2011, there […]